Hi, we are the WSE (WorstSpammersEver), We have several members. Watch our movie, "WSE:002 Our Members!", to get information about our members. -WSE
Age 46, Male
Spamming, of course!
Spam High School!
Very Dark Evil Lair
Joined on 2/18/08
Loved it.
You need to start spamming your news posts moar :P
agh its called dog you idiot not daw youre so stupid agh its dog not sawg dawg it just for lazy nerds that are stupid agh you are so nerdy and lazy and stipidyishihsihicsiccsihhicshisch isch isc-ish well i want you to di cuz you wrot e dawg and not dog you suck in grammar you suck big time you suck you dawg
agh its called dog you idiot not daw youre so stupid agh its dog not sawg dawg it just for lazy nerds that are stupid agh you are so nerdy and lazy and stipidyishihsihicsiccsihhicshisch isch isc-ish well i want you to di cuz you wrot e dawg and not dog you suck in grammar you suck big time you suck you dawg
agh its called dog you idiot not daw youre so stupid agh its dog not sawg dawg it just for lazy nerds that are stupid agh you are so nerdy and lazy and stipidyishihsihicsiccsihhicshisch isch isc-ish well i want you to di cuz you wrot e dawg and not dog you suck in grammar you suck big time you suck you dawg
Never heard of it? HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
15 days blammed...
spam is fun hahahahahahahahaahahhahhaahhahahaaahh hahahahahahah
NOOO I HATE IT!§!"!"!"!§"!#"§!%#§!%¤/§% Naahhhh... Just kidding!
agh its called dog you idiot not daw youre so stupid agh its dog not sawg dawg it just for lazy nerds that are stupid agh you are so nerdy and lazy and stipidyishihsihicsiccsihhicshisch isch isc-ish well i want you to di cuz you wrot e dawg and not dog you suck in grammar you suck big time you suck you dawg
agh its called dog you idiot not daw youre so stupid agh its dog not sawg dawg it just for lazy nerds that are stupid agh you are so nerdy and lazy and stipidyishihsihicsiccsihhicshisch isch isc-ish well i want you to di cuz you wrot e dawg and not dog you suck in grammar you suck big time you suck you dawg
agh its called dog you idiot not daw youre so stupid agh its dog not sawg dawg it just for lazy nerds that are stupid agh you are so nerdy and lazy and stipidyishihsihicsiccsihhicshisch isch isc-ish well i want you to di cuz you wrot e dawg and not dog you suck in grammar you suck big time you suck you dawg
agh its called dog you idiot not daw youre so stupid agh its dog not sawg dawg it just for lazy nerds that are stupid agh you are so nerdy and lazy and stipidyishihsihicsiccsihhicshisch isch isc-ish well i want you to di cuz you wrot e dawg and not dog you suck in grammar you suck big time you suck you dawg
you're cool
peace man
well thank you my man thank you youre not bad either
agh its called dog you idiot not daw youre so stupid agh its dog not sawg dawg it just for lazy nerds that are stupid agh you are so nerdy and lazy and stipidyishihsihicsiccsihhicshischisch isc-ish well i want you to di cuz you wrot e dawg and not dog you suck in grammar you suck big time you suck you dawg